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Help out the Excel product team

Become an exclusive member of our feedback community

Microsoft Excel is the industry leading spreadsheeting tool. We don't care if you are a newbie, an expert, or somewhere in between. We need to know how you are using spreadsheets, what problems you face, and how we can improve the technology to improve your experience. We're looking to recruit 200 people from all corners of the spreadsheeting universe (especially those corners we don't always hear from) to join this community to be an active and engaged resource in giving real stories of struggles, take surveys that shape direction, try the latest attempts at change, and be interviewed about your experiences.

When you sign up for this community there is a brief intake questionnaire, and you will be asked to sign an NDA so that we can communicate with you about the secret stuff too. You can leave this community at any time after signing up by managing your access at https://ux.microsoft.com/Panel/Main

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